
Dr Alona Martinez Perez

Job: Senior Lecturer in Architecture

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Address: Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: alona.martinezperez@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr Alona Martinez Perez is a Senior Lecturer at the Leicester School of Architecture, Âéw¶¹´«Ã½. Originally from Spain (Bilbao, Basque Country) she trained as an architect in England and Scotland holding qualifications in both architecture and urban design. She has completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield with a scholarship award on the subject of “The Architecture of the Periphery” looking at the theory of the periphery in the European city, with a case study in Madrid. She won the PhD Conference bid for AHRA (Architecture and Humanities Research Association) at Plymouth University and has presented over 20 papers and conferences on peripheral issues. Previous roles include Lecturer in Architecture at Plymouth University (2013-2017) where she was MArch 1 Leader and Head of Subject for Professional Studies, Lecturer in Place making at the University of Ulster (2009-2013) where she was fully responsible for all urban design teaching in the MSc of Planning and Property Development, tutor for architecture at the University of Dundee and a Research Director at the Geddes Institute for the project of cities and regions.

Dr Martinez Perez also worked in practice for nearly a decade in both England and Scotland for a number of public and private sector clients and companies on a number of prestigious project ranging from 100K to 40 million pounds in retail, hospitals, schools, hotels and master planning and continues to work as an architect in small projects. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK, and holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture and Urban Design, and a Master of Science in Urban Design from Edinburgh College of Art, and a degree of Architecture from Huddersfield University. She has been a visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg since July 2017 working on peripheral development and de-colonisation, a visiting Professor at the University of Trento and has taught as a visiting lecturer at Edinburgh University, University of Pescara and University Federico II LUPT. She has written extensively at an International level, in Argentina, Colombia, Italy, Spain and also the UK and Ireland. She has published in Domus, Urbanistica, Journal of Urban Design, and spoken at International conferences as a keynote speaker. In 2011 her work of two exhibitions and conferences with the project Belfast at Venice was awarded the Urbanistica Prize by the INU, the prestigious National Urban Institute (Italy). She is also a Fellow of the Geddes Institute (University of Dundee)

Research group affiliations

Institute of Architecture

Publications and outputs


Research interests/expertise

With regards to specialisms within the discipline of architecture my core subjects of knowledge are architecture design, urban design, theory and history of Architecture, the European city. My most recent work look at the relationship between urbanism and speculation, economic development and urban corridors, upgrading and mapping of informal settlements, and social/political division in the European and African cities. I have also got extensive expertise on urban peripheries, and suburbia in the European City with particular emphasis on Madrid and the work of Aldo Rossi. In Belfast I started looking at the political division caused by conflict, this work resulted in an International Prize and following in a series of conference papers and articles. This work led to looking at the post-apartheid city, and the role of de-colonisation and black space in modern South Africa. Work that resulted in being invited to three visiting Professorships at the University of Johannesburg, and the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), and at the University of Trento (Italy). I have been invited as visiting lecturer in some of the most prestigious architecture schools around the world such at the Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB, Edinburgh School of Architecture, Pescara University, and University Federico II Naples in Italy.

Areas of teaching

Programme Leader for MSc in International Urban Design. (Achieved unconditional validation for the programme in 2019)
Studio Tutor 2nd year BA Studio
March 1 studio leader doing a lab in Naples 
Module leader for modules Year 3 BA Dissertations leading research topics for (160 students BA, 8 academic staff), and Year 2 Urban Studies (110 students, 4 academic staff). Tutor in March 1 Dissertations


2018 Doctora Arquitecta, UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). Awarded PhD qualification in Spain.
2011 – 2016 PhD, in Architecture (Part Time), The University of Sheffield (scholarship award). Thesis title: The Architecture of the Periphery. Supervisor: Dr Stephen Walker. 
2011 Licenciado en Arquitectura, Madrid
2009 – 2011 Academician, The Academy of Urbanism, London
2009 – 2012 Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice, The University of Ulster, Belfast.
2004 Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture (RIBA Part 3), The University of Sheffield, ARB Registered Architect, UK
2002 Master of Science in Urban Design, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh
2000 – 2002 Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture and Urban Design, Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh

Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ taught

Architecture, Urbanism

Honours and awards

Future Research Leaders Programme (2019-2020), Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ (UK)
Member of R.E.D.S, Resilient Ecological Design Strategies Group since 2013 (led by Professor Mosè Ricci) International network of Universities that since 2013 has been organizing conferences for the promotion and implementation of Landscape and Ecological Urbanism within Academia.
Royal Society of Architects of Scotland (Chartered Architect)
Regional Convenor for Scotland (2007-2010) and member of the Urban Design Group 
Fellow Higher Education Academy UK
Architectural Humanities Research Association (Member)
Fellow of the Geddes Institute University of Dundee
Annual Urbanistica Prize for project Belfast@Venice (awarded by the National Institute of Urbanists, Italy, 2010)
International Jury (2010-2016) invited by Professor Stefano Stanghellini (IUAV) for the competition Urban Promo Giovanni organised by INU (Italian Institute of Urbanism) that looks at the best work submitted by Italian architecture students yearly. It is one of the most important student competitions in Italy. 
Biennale di Architettura di Venezia 2010, invited by the British Council, at the afternoon session talk at the British Pavillon, about"Conflicting neighbourhoods and urban pattern: "Architecture of dialogue" for the Belfast interfaces", with Gabriella Esposito De Vita and Claudia Trillo (Venice, 29 October 2010)

Membership of external committees

2020- Peer reviewer for the Journal of Architecture (Taylor and Francis)
2019- 2020 Appointed External Examiner at Huddersfield University MA Urban Design, MA Advanced Architectural Design
2019- Validation Panel Member at Leeds Becket University, MA Urban Design, MA Architecture Futures

Membership of professional associations and societies

Royal Society of Architects of Scotland (Chartered Architect)
Architects Registration Board UK (Registered Architecture)


Publications (as author)

Journal Articles

2019 Martinez Perez, A, (2019), The legacy of marginal and unbuilt spaces, as a critical tool in the contemporary European City, Abitare la Terra Dwelling on Earth rivista di geoarchitettura a magazine of geoarchitecture, Suplemento al numero 50 Anno XVIII 2019 Trimestrale, Gangemi Editore International, Chief Editor Paolo Portoghesi, pp. 54-55, ISBN 978-884923823-5
2018 Martinez Perez, A. (2018), Dialogos del Sur, entre arquitectura y el arte: Reflexiones de la historia de una amistad en la trayectoria de Jorge Oteiza y Javier Sainz de Oiza. Astragalo: revista cuatrimestral iberoamericana nº 25, diciembre 2018 América, epistemologías del sur. ¿metanoia o impenitencia arquitectónica?, pp. 105-110, ISSN 2469-0503
2018 Martinez Perez, A., Walker S. (2018), The architecture of the periphery: two views of Madrid’s periphery seen through Aldo Rossi’s work, ARQ Architecture Research Quarterly, Peer-review. 
2018 Martinez Perez, A., Moreno Ortolano J. (2018), The Architecture of the Periphery: An insight into the work of Aldo Rossi and its current relevance to the recent developments in the northern periphery of Madrid, Estudios del Habitat, National University of La Plata, Argentina, Peer-review. 
2018 Martinez Perez, A., Moreno Ortolano J. (2018), The distance and proximity of the work of Aldo Rossi and Venturi and Scott-Brown in the Madrid Strips, Criticall International Conference on Architectural Design and Critique, Conference held at ETSAM (Madrid School of Architecture) 26-27 April 2018, Madrid. (Conference Proceedings).
2018 Martinez Perez, A., Walker S. (2018), Around Madrid: the continuing influence of historical urban development plans on today’s periphery, The Journal of Urban Design, Peer-review. 
2017 Martinez Perez, A, (2017), The architecture of the periphery in Madrid: new ways of planning beyond the plans, PLANUM Journal, The Journal of Urbanism, Society of Italian Urbanists (Conference Proceedings), pp. 907-12
2016 Moreno Ortolano J., Abad Cayuela I, Martinez Perez A., (2016), La Solana del Mar: tiempo, memoria y hapticidad, Actas del IX congreso Docomomo Iberico, Congreso Internacional Docomomo Iberico (Conference Proceedings)
2016 Esposito de Vita, G, Trillo, C, Martinez Perez, A (2016) Community planning and urban design in contested places. Some insights from Belfast. Journal of Urban Design. Peer-review.
2014 Martinez Perez, A, (2014), The Influence of Aldo Rossi’s theory in “L’architettura della citta” in the context of today’s European Periphery, PLANUM Journal Society of Italian Urbanists, (Conference Proceedings).
2014 Martinez Perez, A, (2014), Socio-spatial impact of great urban projects in Bilbao and applicable lessons for other cities Bitacora Journal National University of Colombia Peer-review 
2014 Esposito de Vita, G, Trillo, C, Martinez Perez, A, (2014), Conflicting neighbourhoods and maritime traditions: does the waterfront regeneration help to re-design a peaceful future? Insights from Belfast, TRIA Revista Internazionale di cultura urbanistica Peer review
2012 Martinez Perez, A, (2011) Belfast urbanism and architecture, a view from the outside Urbanistica, Rivista trimestrale dell'Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica INU, ISSN 1723-0993 
2011 Esposito de Vita, G , Martinez Perez, A, Trillo, C, (2011) Managing urban conflict through urban design: Insights from the Northern Ireland for Italy , XIV Conferenza Nazionali Societa Italian degli Urbanisti, (XIV National Conference of the Italian Society of Urbanists), PLANUM Journal Society of Italian Urbanists (Conference Proceedings), ISSN 1723-0993
2011 Martinez Perez, A, (2011) The London Olympic Park, EWB/ Eco Web Town, No. 1, on line Magazine of Sustainable Design, Edizione SCUT, Università Chieti-Pescara ISSN: 2039-2656 
2010 Martinez Perez, A, (2010) Interview to Lord Richard-Rogers-The Social formula of the Rogers Office: A Design Community, Domus, 942, pp 112-16 
2010 Martinez Perez, A, (2010) New Urbanism and its applied method to urban design practice to American and British Cities In: Urban Design Research Method and Application Proceeding of the International Conference held at Birmigham City University 3-4 December 2009, Birmingham: Birmingham City University, pp. 139-48 Peer-review
2010 Martinez Perez, A, (2010) Urbanism in Scotland. Urban Design Quarterly, 114, p. 12. ISSN 1750 712X.
2009 Martinez Perez, A. and Holm, L (2009) 'Geddes Institute Task Force on their cities and their Regions Number 1’ Dundee: University of Dundee ISBN 978-0-9562949 
2009 Martinez Perez, A, (2009). Article ‘Sustainable Urbanism’ for journal Urban Design Journal Spring 2009 Issue 110.
ISSN 1750 712X.
2007 Martinez Perez, A. 2007 ‘A Young Urban Designers Perspective from Scotland via Bilbao’ Urban Design Quarterly 105, p. 9.
ISSN 1750 712X.


2020 Bishop, P, Martinez Perez, A., & Roggema R., (2020) Repurposing the Green Belt in the 21st century, London: Press. Peer review book (accepted for publication).

2015 Martinez Perez, A, (2015), Places without memory: a peripheral insight into Madrid’s growth In: Radical Inclusivity. Architecture and Urbanism edited by Dr Krzysztof Nawratek, dpr Barcelona (Peer review book) ISBN: 978-84-942414-7-5
2013 Martinez Perez, A, 4 Notes for periphery as a new spatial form (2013) Rome Ecological Design Symposium Monograph.it vol. 5 (Peer-review Book) ISBN-10: 8895623924
2011 Martinez-Perez, A, Perich Capdeferro A (2011) Bilbao – the river as a catalyst for waterfront regeneration of the post-industrial city In: Clemente M. (ed.) "Città dal mare. L'arte di navigare e l'arte di costruire la città", Vol. 2 Collana Città e Architettura, IRAT-CNR Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, IT (in press). Peer-review
2011 Perich Capdeferro A, Martinez-Perez, A, (2011) In-between land and water: one analysis of the Barcelona waterfront In: Clemente M. (ed.) "Città dal mare. L'arte di navigare e l'arte di costruire la città", Vol. 2 Collana Città e Architettura, IRAT-CNR Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, IT (in press). Peer-review
Publications (as editor)
2010 Martinez Perez, A, (2010). Urbanism in Scotland. Urban Design Quarterly, 114, p. 12. Editor of a special issue of Urban Design dedicated to Scotland. This number explores how they define and are working to improve Scottish place-making, through policies and architectural and urban projects
2009 Martinez Perez, A. and Holm, L (2009) 'Geddes Institute Task Force on their cities and their Regions Number 1’ Dundee: University of Dundee ISBN 978-0-9562949 

Conference Papers

Keynote speaker and lectures of standing

2017 Martinez Perez, A (2017), Panel Debate: Teaching for alternative practice in architecture, urban planning and spatial design, Design Lab Talk with Professor Amira Osman and Mr Jhono Bennet, DSD Design Society Development Lab, University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA), 28 July 2017
2017 Martinez Perez, A (2017), Peripheral Journeys, School Talks, University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA), 25 July 2017
2017 Martinez Perez, A (2017), Madrid The Architecture of the Periphery, Café Europa Lecture Series Corso di Urbanistica 2C, University of Pescara Architecture Department, Professors Massimo Angrilli and Lucio Zazzara, 10 April 2017
2016 Martinez Perez, A (2016), The role of the University in the growth of designing new contexts and increasing the infrastructure in Madrid’s periphery, R.E.D.S 4 Biennale Sessions Reporting from the Italian Front, Venice, 26 November 2016
2016 Martinez Perez, A (2016), From the nervous to the peripheral city, invited by the Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della Provincia di Trento (Order of the Architects of the Province of Trento), Trento, 11 March 2016
2016 Martinez Perez, A (2016), Peripheral Journeys, University of Trento (Italy), Professor Mose Ricci,Trento, 10 March 2016
2015 Martinez Perez, A (2015), Bilbao - Guggenheim effect revisited, Reconnections, Belfast, Liverpool, Cardiff, Land Water Cities & Heritage Conference, Liverpool, 19 October 2015
2014 Martinez Perez, A (2014), From the nervous city to the Political City, Urban Laboratory of Projects and Architectural Composition, University of Pescara Architecture Department, Professor Lucio Zazzara, May 2014
2012 Martinez Perez, A (2012), Non-place, country and city, Lunchtime Talk, PLACE Architecture Centre, Belfast, 25 April 2012
2011 Martinez Perez, A (2011), Le politiche per la qualita archittetonica nel recupero urbano (The politics of architectural quality in urban recovery), Covegno “Il ruolo mediterraneo delle Province della Campania nel quadro del riordino federalista” con un focus su Belfast como un caso di best practice, University of Naples Federico II LUPT (Territorial Town Planning Laboratory) & Unione Regionale Provincie Campagne, Naples, May 2011
2010 Martinez Perez, A (2010) Belfast from an outsider’s perspective, Belfast@Venice Urban Promo 2010 Conference of the INU Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (National Urban Institute of Italy) Cini Foundation, Venice, October 2010
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) Continental development models (Barcelona / Bilbao / Madrid), The National Conference on Urban Design of the Urban Design Group, Peterhouse College, Cambridge, September 2009
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) 'International Best Practice- A tour around some of the cities of Europe that are noted for fabolous waterfronts- How they achieved it: the engineering, the design, the funding and the political leadership' ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers) Scotland Municipal Group Conference 'Water and Regeneration Perth Scotland, June 2009

Conference Chairs

2019 Martinez Perez, A, Conference Chair: Absent peripheral spaces, as a stitching system of the urban infrastructure and the collective in the contemporary city-,AHRA 2019 Architecture & Collective Life, University of Dundee, Dundee, 21-23 November 2019
2019 Martinez Perez, A, Conference Chair: Peripheral Conditions in Cities-,AHRA 2019 Architecture & Collective Life, University of Dundee, Dundee, 21-23 November 2019
2015 Martinez Perez, A, 12th AHRA Research Student Symposium Syncretic Architectures New Approaches between theory and practice -, Conference Chair Peripheral Practice, Plymouth University, Plymouth, 12 June 2015
2014 Martinez Perez, A, 3rd Annual Conference of All Ireland Architecture Research Group- AIARG -, Conference Chair Civic Design, University of Ulster, Belfast, January 2014
Conference Presentations (abstracts accepted)
2019 Martinez Perez, A, (2019), The absent spaces in the European city, as a stitching system of the urban infrastructure and the collective in the contemporary city, AHRA 2019 Architecture & Collective Life, University of Dundee, Dundee, 21-23 November 2019
2019 Martinez Perez, A, (2019), The legacy of marginal and unbuilt spaces, as a critical tool in the contemporary European City, R.E.D.S Legacy Matera- European Capital of Culture, University of Matera, Matera, 16 November 2019
2018 Martinez Perez, A, Loggia, C. (2018) Border settlements and migration in 21st Century Cities. New approaches to urban mapping, The City Re-Shaped: Exploring the Nexus Between Politics, Memory and Urbanism in the Built Environment –University of Leeds, 11-12 September 2018
2018 Hendricks, D., Martinez Perez, A, (2018) Borders of Precincts: Unpacking the Politics of White Neighbourhood Identities in the Post‐Apartheid Black City (Johannesburg), Urbanism at Borders 2018 Conference, Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 6 September 2018
2018 Martinez Perez, A, Hendricks, D. (2018) Peripheral corridors: the post-metropolitan landscape of Leganes (Madrid) and Melville (Johannesburg), XIX Conferenza`Nazionale SIU – Università degli Studi di Firenze, (XXI National Conference of the Italian Society of Urbanists), 6-8 June 2018
2017 Moreno Ortolano, J., Abad Cayuela, I., Martinez Perez, A (2017) Habitar en Punta Ballena. Promenade y tacto en la obra de Antonio Bonet Castellana, Congreso Iberoamericano de Teoria del Habitar, Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Buenos Aires (Iberoamerican Congress of Theory of Inhabitation), 18-21 September 2017

2017 Martinez Perez, A (2017) Peripheral Madrid: new ways of thinking about planning with public participation, and beyond the plans, XX Conferenza`Nazionale SIU – La Sapienza University, Urbanisstica e azione publica, Rome (XX National Conference of the Italian Society of Urbanists), 12-14 June 2017
2016 Moreno Ortolano J., Abad Cayuela I, Martinez Perez A., (2016), La Solana del Mar: tiempo, memoria y hapticidad, IX Congreso Docomomo Iberico ,Universidad del Pais Vasco, San Sebastian, 16-18 November 2016
2016 Martinez Perez, A (2016) The architecture of the periphery in Madrid: new ways of planning beyond the plans, XIX Conferenza`Nazionale SIU – Università di Catania, Monastero dei Benedettini, Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servize del Paese, Catania (XIX National Conference of the Italian Society of Urbanists), 16-18 June 2016

2015 Martinez Perez, A (2015) The architecture of the periphery: two views of Madrid’s periphery according to Aldo Rossi’s work, This Thing Called Theory 12th International Architectural Humanities Research Association Conference Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, November 2015

2014 Martinez Perez, A, The Madrid periphery model in today’s current context, Industrious Ecologies Conference, Plymouth, May 2014

2014 Martinez Perez, A,The influence of Aldo Rossi’s theory in L’architettura della citta in the context of today’s European periphery
Societa Italiana di Urbanistica Conference , Milano, May 2014
2013 Martinez Perez, A, 4 Notes for periphery as a new spatial form (2013) Rome Ecological Design Symposium University La Sapienza, Rome, September 2013
2011 Martinez Perez, A, Esposito de Vita,G, Trillo , C, (2011) Conflicting Neighbourhoods and Urban Pattern: ‘Architecture of Dialogue’ for the Belfast Interfaces, Urban Conflicts Conference Queens University Belfast , Belfast, May 2011
2011 Esposito de Vita, G , Martinez Perez, A, Trillo, C, (2011) Managing urban conflict through urban design: Insights from the Northern Ireland for Italy , XIV Conferenza Nazionali Societa Italian degli Urbanisti, (XIV National Conference of the Italian Society of Urbanists),Torino, April 2011
2010 Esposito de Vita, G, Trillo, C, and Martinez Perez, A (2010) Conflicting neighbourhoods and urban pattern: does architecture help in building conflict-resolution strategies in contested spaces?, AESOP –Inhabiting the future after Copenhagen (Naples),University Federico II Naples, December 2010
2010 Martinez Perez, A, Esposito de Vita, G and Trillo, C (2010) Urban Design Research: Belfast Peace lines. British Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale, October 2010 (invited by British Council, and Liza Fiori MUF Architects). 
2010 Martinez Perez, A (2010) Haussmannien Paris from the Urban Block to the Situationists Critique, 24th AESOP Annual Conference, Helsinki, July 2010
2010 Parsa, A, Martinez Perez, A. and Berry, J (2010) Causes And Determinants Of Land And Property Cycles: The Bubble Phenomenon And Its Consequences In Spain – Lessons From Japan, 17th Annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society, Milan, June 2010
2010 Martinez Perez, A (2010) Space in Rome in the film Belly of an Architect by Peter Greenaway, School of Museum Studies Narrative Spaces International Conference, University of Leicester, Leicester, April 2010
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) New Urbanism and its applied method in urban design practice to American and British Cities, Urban Design Research: Method and Application International Conference, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, December 2009
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) Belfast: New networks aimed at overcoming conflict and creating the new shared cities, Networks Architecture and City Space Symposium, Edinburgh University, November 2009
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) 'Paris a journey from Haussmann's definition of the city to the 1960's'
Urban Design Group Scotland Lecture Series, Edinburgh, Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS), April 2009
2009 Martinez Perez, A (2009) 'Paris from Haussmann to 1968' City Think Tank Lectures Series, presented at the Geddes Institute, University of Dundee Architecture, March 2009
2008 Martinez Perez, A (2008) ‘Liverpool and beyond’. Presented in Edinburgh as part of the monthly series of talks on urban issues for the Urban Design Group and ScotlandSTREET
2008 Martinez Perez, A (2008) ‘A comparison between narrative and architectural space in Hopscotch’s Paris, a book by Julio Cortazar’. ‘Architexture’ Conference, University of Strathclyde Department of Architecture,Glasgow, April 2008
2007 Martinez Perez, A (2007) Study Tour: ‘Edinburgh’s New Town, architecture and urban spaces’. Urban Design Group Annual Conference on Masterplanning, Edinburgh, September 2007
2007 Martinez Perez, A (2007) ‘The Bilbao Effect in Urban Design, design typologies in one city’. ‘Density Inside Out Conference’, Edinburgh University, June 2007
2011 Exhibition: Co-organiser/curator Belfast@Naples Exhibition, Venue Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria la Nova-Sala Consiliare di la provincia di Napoli(Monumental Complex of Santa Maria la Nova- Council Chamber of the Provence of Naples), Naples, May 2011. (Exhibition opened by the British Consul in Naples, Mr.Michael Burgoyne)

Consultancy work

Architect’s Registration Board (UK), London. Independent Adviser (European Notifications) International Adviser and External Examiner
Independent Advisor to the Prescription Committee of the Architects Registration Board, and Independent Advisor for European Notifications to the European Committee of the Architects Registration Board in which capacity I advise upon notifications of new qualifications in architecture under the initiative of the European Professional Qualifications Directive, look at existing prescriptions for new and existing architecture courses in the UK. I also advice the board on International matters. I am also external examiner for the Board for Parts 1 and 2.

Current research students

Current PhD Students

Student: Ms Olande Onitiju, Integrating Makoko as an Informal Settlement into the urban framework of Lagos, First Supervisor (Âéw¶¹´«Ã½) with Dr Yuri Hadi.

Student: Ms Carme Carcaño- Co-Supervisor with Professor Isabel Castiñeira at the ETSAB (Barcelona School of Architecture), Spain. 

Student: Second Supervisor Mr Enoch Odesola (Âéw¶¹´«Ã½) with Dr Yuri Hadi.

PhD External Examiner 

External Examiner for PhD Mr Ahmad Maghrabi Thesis Title: Design implications of urban public spaces for female physical activity in Saudi Arabia, Supervisor: Dr Athina Moustaka, School of Built Environment and Development Studies University of Salford, School of the Built Environment, in Manchester (United Kingdom). Successful completion (01/07/2019)

External Examiner for PhD Ms Judith Ojo-Aromokudu, Thesis Title: A new vernacular architectural language informed by the use of space in informal settlememnts: selected case studies in the Ethekwini Municipality, South Africa Supervisor: Dr Claudia Loggia, School of Built Environment and Development Studies University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in Durban (South Africa). Successful completion (30/03/2019)

Externally funded research grants information

Research funding for the project received from Unione Regional Provinzia di Campagna (Regional Government of the Campania Region) and University Federico II, LUPT Naples.
2010 (2010) Exhibition: co-organiser/curator Belfast@Venice, Venue Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Island, Italy, 7th Edition of Urban Promo,Venice. (27th- 30th October 2010). (Review by Ciaran Mackel and Tara Florence in Perspectives Journal of the Royal Society of Ulster Architects-November/December 2010, and in the Italian National Press 24 Hore, Il Sole, Edilizia e Territorio)

Research funding for the project received from Belfast City Council, PLACE (Centre for Architecture NI), Department for Social Development, (DSD),British Council, INU Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (National Institute of Urbanism), ARD Ciaran Mackel Architects, University of Ulster
