
Dr Andrew Thompson

Job: Partnerships Manager (Quality) in SAAS

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities and Performing Arts

Address: Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: andrew.thompson@dmu.ac.uk


Research group affiliations

Institute of English

Publications and outputs

Recent publications

  • ‘On Carrier-Pigeons and the Electric Telegraph: an elusive note in two George Eliot notebooks’, Notes and Queries, September 2021
  • Baker, William and Thompson, Andrew: ‘G. H. Lewes Reads Cymbeline: His Annotations in Knight’s Shakspere’, Notes and Queries, September 2021
  • Baker, William and Thompson, Andrew: ‘George Henry Lewes’s Annotations of the Comedies in Charles Knight’s Shakspere’, Notes and Queries, September 2021
  • ‘George Eliot as “worthy scholar”: note taking and the composition of Romola’ in George Eliot: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by J. Arnold and L. Harper, Palgrave Macmillan, Spring 2019, pp. 63-95.
  • Books
  • George Eliot and Italy: Literary, Cultural and Political Influences from Dante to the Risorgimento, Macmillan 1998. pp.243
  • Transfiguration and Reconciliation in Eliot's Four Quartets, Andrew Thompson and Doug Thompson (University of Hull), CIDEB, Rapallo Italy, February 1995, pp. 217.

Critical Editions

  • George Eliot’s “Florentine Notes”: an edition of British Library Additional Manuscript 40768, edited by Andrew Thompson George Eliot – George Henry Lewes Studies, Penn State University Press, Vol. 70, Number 1, Spring 2018.
  • George Eliot’s “Quarry for Romola”: an edition of the notebook held in the Morris L. Parrish collection at Princeton University Library (c0171 [no. 69]), edited by Andrew Thompson. George Eliot – George Henry Lewes Studies, Penn State University Press, September 2014. No 66, pp.3-99.
  • George Eliot’s ‘Romola Notebook’, edited by Andrew Thompson, in George Eliot – George Henry Lewes Studies, Northern Illinois University, September 2006 Nos 50-51. [Special 25th Anniversary Edition], pp.1-109.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • “George Eliot On and Off the Beaten Track: ‘Recollections’ of Germany and Italy” in The Legacy of the Grand Tour: New Essays on Travel, Literature and Culture, edited by L. Colletta, Farleigh Dickinson UP 2015, pp.71-91.
  • “George Eliot and Dante” in Dante Metamorphoses: Episodes in a Literary Afterlife, edited by E. Haywood, Dublin, Four Courts Press. 2003, pp. 199-220
  • “Risorgimento Mythmaking in George Eliot’s Romola” in Patterning the Past: Essays on Italian Literature and History in Honour of Doug Thompson, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2001, pp. 80-88
  • Progetto Medera: l'analisi di articoli scientifici nell'ambito di un corso di autoapprendimento di lingua inglese per medici. in Dialogare con il Computer: strumenti e percorsi didattici e linguistici nell'apprendimento delle lingue straniere a cura di Baldry, A. e Crivelli, E., Campanotto Editore Udine, 1994, pp.385-97


  • “George Eliot, Early and Late”: Review article on Before George Eliot: Marian Evans and the Periodical Press, Fionnuala Dillane, CUP 2013, and George Eliot in Society: Travels Abroad and Sundays at the Priory, Kathleen McCormack, Ohio State University Press 2013, in Nineteenth Century Prose Online (Fall 2015, Vol. 42, no. 2) pp. 315-322
  • “George Eliot’s Borrowings from Dante: a List of Sources” in George Eliot -- George Henry Lewes Studies (Northern Illinois University, Nos. 44-45 September 2003, pp.26-74).
  • “From the bright Italian plains to the dreary land: George Eliot's Italian exile in Scenes of Clerical Life”, in TEXTUS (Narrazioni di Esilio), Vol X, No 1, (1997) pp.9-21
  • "George Eliot, Dante and Moral Choice in Felix Holt, the Radical" in The Modern Language Review, Vol. 86, Part 3 (July 1991), pp. 553-66. Reprinted in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 118 Gale (2003) pp. 111-119.
  • "Male and female use of swear words in Liguria" in Tuttitalia: The Italian Journal of the Association for Language Learning", (June 1993 No 7).
  • "Giuseppe Mazzini and George Eliot's Daniel Deronda" in Quaderni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Genova 6/1993, pp,101-111
  • "The Influence of Darwin and Darwinism in the Novels of George Eliot" in "Il Confronto Letterario" - Quaderni del dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne dell'Università di Pavia Anno IX No. 17 (May 1992), pp.119-30
  • "Personal and Political: George Eliot's Felix Holt Reconsidered", in Quaderni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Genova 5/1992, pp. 71-98
  • The Issue of Feminine Role-Models in the Novels of George Eliot in "Il Confronto Letterario" - Quaderni del dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne dell'Università di Pavia Anno VII No. 13 (May 1990), pp.133-44.

Contributions to Conference Proceedings

  • "'A definite outline for our ignorance': Italian cultural mediation in George Eliot's Daniel Deronda" in Atti del XVIII Congresso nazionale AIA, 1996: E.U.T. Edizioni Università di Trieste 1999 (pp.189-199)
  • MEDERA (MEDical Experimental Research Articles) - a self-access computer-based course for advanced learners of English who need to write research articles in Medicine, in Computers and Education: Proceedings of EuroCALL '93, Pergamon (1994), pp.81-88.

Book Reviews

  • George Eliot and the Gothic Novel: Genres, Gender, Feeling, Royce Mahawatte, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013, Nineteenth Century Prose Online (Fall 2017 forthcoming)
  • George Eliot, European Novelist, John Rignall. Farnham UK: Ashgate, 2011, in Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, No. 61, April 2012
  • From Author to Text: Re-reading George Eliot's "Romola" edited by Caroline Levine and Mark W. Turner, Ashgate 1998. George Eliot -- George Henry Lewes Studies (Northern Illinois University, September 2001), pp.88-93.
  • Computers as a Tool in Language Teaching, Brierley, W & Kemble, I.R. (1991) in ReCALL: Journal Of The CTI Centre For Modern Languages, University of Hull, UK. (No. 7, November 1992) pp.36-37.
  • Textmill and Linemill in ReCALL: Journal Of The CTI Centre For Modern Languages University Of Hull, UK. (No. 8, May 1993) p.42. Reprinted in Language Learning Software Reviews, J. Parsons (ed.), CTI Centre for Modern Languages, University of Hull

Research interests/expertise

The nineteenth-century novel, Nineteenth-century Anglo-Italian relations, George Eliot, Dante, Modernism, T.S. Eliot


University of Cardiff, Ph.D. English, School of English, Communication and Philosophy 2005.
University of Surrey, MA Linguistics (TESOL) 1993.
Cambridge University, BA English (Hons.) 1985. 

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
