Amy DaCosta, PhD in Drama, An investigation of how existing and emergent acting methodologies may be used to create new knowledge and practice, informed by and in response to Dissociative Identity Disorder, 1st Supervisor.
Ben Hunt, PhD in Performance Practice (awarded Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ Graduate Full Bursary), Performing Trauma in the Vegan and Animal Rights Movement. 1st Supervisor.
Khairul Kamsani, PhD in Performance Practice (awarded Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ Graduate Full Bursary), Cybernetic Actions: harnessing digital reality technologies towards developing actor training approaches, 1st Supervisor.
Stacie, Bennett-Worth, PhD (awarded Full Bursary), Defining a pedagogical framework and toolkit for using creative digital technology in performing arts education. 2nd Supervisor.
Rosie Garton, PhD in Performance Studies, The Political Performance of Cycling: The Female, the Bicycle and the Gendered Urban Space. 2nd Supervisor.