
Dr Ayham Jaaron

Job: Associate Professor/Reader in Sustainable Management

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 366 4270

E: ayham.jaaron@dmu.ac.uk


Social Media:


Personal profile


Ayham Jaaron is Associate Professor/Reader in Sustainable Management at the School of Leadership, Management and Marketing of Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester. He is also an External Examiner at Leeds Business School of Leeds Beckett University. Before this, he was an Associate Professor in sustainable operations management at An-Najah National University in Palestine 2010-2019. During this time, Ayham served as Head of Industrial Engineering Department for three consecutive years 2011-2014, and also served as Director of Quality Assurance Unit of the University 2014-2016.

Ayham is recognized for his expertise and contributions to the quality of education in Palestine. He led the largest ABET Accreditation project in the region for seven engineering programs simultaneously at An-Najah National University, that resulted in a successful ABET Accreditation process.

He received his PhD degree (full time) in Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management from the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University in 2010.

Ayham is a Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI), a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE), and a member of The Social Responsibility Research Network (SRRNet). He is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).

Ayham’s multidisciplinary high-quality research has introduced him as a leading researcher with an established and growing national and international profile in his research areas. Ayham's research activities have recently focused on the intersection between the areas of organisational sustainability management, service operations management, logistics and supply chain management, industry 4.0 and sustainability, systems thinking, and green human resources management in the manufacturing and service sectors.

Research group affiliations

Innovative Logistics and Supply Chain (ILSC) Cluster, The Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)

Publications and outputs

  1. Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2011) 'Systems thinking for call centre service design: affective commitment implications in manufacturing enterprises', The Service Industries Journal, Vol.31, No.4, pp.613-628. (ABS 2*)
  2. Jaaron, A.A.M. & Backhouse, C.J. (2014) ‘Service organisations resilience through the application of the vanguard method of systems thinking: a case study approach’, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No.7, pp. 2026-2041. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2013.847291. (ABS 3*)
  3. Jaaron, A., Backhouse, C.J., & Morton, S.C. (2014) ‘Enhancing resource utilisation in service industries: the application of the Vanguard Method of systems thinking. European Journal of Industrial Engineering. Vol.8, No.6, pp.861-883. (ABS 2*)
  4. Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C. (2016) ‘Operationalising “Double-Loop” Learning in Service Organisations: A systems Approach for Creating Knowledge’. Systemic Practice and Action Research. Vol.29, No.4, Online First. DOI 10.1007/s11213-016-9397-0 (ABS 2*)
  5. Masri, H.A. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2017) ‘Assessing green human resources management practices in Palestinian manufacturing context: An empirical study’, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.143, No.1, pp.474-489. . (ABS 2*)
  6. Jaaron, A.A.M.  and Backhouse, C.J. (2017) ‘Operationalising “Double-Loop” Learning in Service Organisations: A Systems Approach for Creating Knowledge’, Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol.30, No.4, pp.317-337. (ABS 2*)
  7. Pham, D.T. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2018) ‘Design for Mass Customisation in Higher Education: a Systems-Thinking Approach’, Systemic Practice and Action Research. Vol.31, No.3, pp.293-310. DOI 10.1007/s11213-017-9426-7. (ABS 2*)
  8. Jaaron, A.A.M.  and Backhouse, C.J. (2018) ‘Operationalisation of service innovation: a systems thinking approach’, The Service Industries Journal. Vol.38, No.9-10, pp.561-583. (ABS 2*)
  9. Zaid, A., Jaaron, A.A.M., and Talib Bon, A. (2018) ‘The impact of green human resource management and green supply chain management practices on sustainable performance: An empirical study’, Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 204, pp. 965-979. (ABS 2*)
  10. Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2018) ‘Fostering sustainable performance in services through systems thinking’, The Service Industries Journal. Online First: . (ABS 2*)
  11. Jaaron, A.A.M., Hijazi, I. and Musleh, K.I.Y. (2021) ‘’, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.. (ABS 2*)
  12. Ghunaim, N. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2021) ‘’, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.
  13. Hassan, A. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2021) ‘Total Quality Management for Enhancing Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Manufacturing Practices’, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 308, No. 127366, pp. 1-12. (ABS 2*)
  14. Jaaron, A.A.M., Pham, T.D. and Cogonon, M. (2021) ‘Systems Thinking to Facilitate “Double Loop” Learning in Tourism Industry: A COVID-19 Response Strategy’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, in press. (ABS 3*)
  15. Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2021) 'Can Industry 4.0 hold the answer for mitigating intertemporal tensions in sustainable manufacturing? A conceptual model', Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, in press, DOI:  (ABS 2*)
  16. Thaher, Y. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2022) ‘The impact of sustainability strategic planning and management on the organizational sustainable performance: a developing-country perspective, Journal of Environmental Management. 305, 114381, DOI: (ABS 3*)
  17. Javaid, M.; Jaaron, A.A.M. and Abdullah, N.H.B. (2022) ‘Relationship between Big Five personality traits and knowledge sharing behavior: moderating role of Islamic work ethics’, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.  (ABS 2*)
  18. Javaid, M.; Kalpina, K.; Khan, S.; Jaaron, A.A.M.; Zainuddin, S. (2023) ‘Leader Green Behaviour as an Outcome of Followers’ Critical Thinking and Active Engagement: The Moderating Role of Pro-Environmental Behaviour’, Leadership &Organization Development Journal. Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 218-239. . (ABS 1*)
  19. Braik, A.; Saleh, Y.; Jaaron, A.A.M. (2023) ‘Green Marketing Practices and Organizational Sustainable Performance in Developing Countries Context: An Empirical Study’, Journal of Foodservice Business Research.  (ABS 1*).
  20. Jaaron, A. A. M., Javaid, M., & Garcia,R. L. F. (2023). Can external and internal corporate socialresponsibility contribute to green customer behaviour? Themediating role of green trust in hotels. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1–15. 
  21. Alateyyat, S. K., Jaaron, A. A. M., & Igudia, E. (2024). Unveiling the status of TQM-performance link in the private, public, and third sectors: a systematic review. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1–33.  (ABS 2*).

To see full list of Ayham’s publication, please click

Research interests/expertise

  • Service operations management
  • Logistics and supply chain managment
  • Strategic management in SMEs
  • Sustainable performance and Industry 4.0
  • Organisational resilience
  • Green human resources management in the manufacturing and service sectors
  • Systems thinking 
  • Service quality

Areas of teaching

  • Strategic Management
  • Global Strategic Management
  • Managing Operations and Projects
  • Consultancy Project
  • Executive Company Project
  • Dissertation (GMBA)


  • PhD. Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, July 2007 – July 2010
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, United Kingdom, 2020-2021.
  • MSc. Engineering Management, First division, UET-Lahore, Pakistan, 2002 –2004
  • BSc. Mechanical Engineering, First Division, UET-Lahore, Pakistan, 1998 – 2002

Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ taught

  • CORP3501: Global Strategic Management (2019-to date)
  • LCBS5001: Strategic Management (2019- to date)
  • CORP5039: International Strategic Management, Markets and Resources (2019- to date)

Honours and awards

  • EPSRC full doctoral scholarship award at Loughborough University, UK, PhD 2007-2010.
  • Tempus Individual Mobility Grant (No. IMG-PS3019-2005): To co-operate on university/industry links and business incubator. Performed at Strathclyde University, UK, 2006.
  • Academic Fellowship Program Fund (Zamalah) awarded by Welfare Association and Bank of Palestine to conduct research at Loughborough University, UK, 2014.
  • An-Najah University Award for Scientific Research, awarded by Deanship of Scientific Research, 2015.
  • Best Paper Award, IEOM 2016 International Conference, held in Malaysia, awarded by the IEOM Society, USA, 2016
  • An-Najah University Award for Scientific Research, awarded by Deanship of Scientific Research, 2017.
  • An-Najah University Award for Scientific Research, awarded by Deanship of Scientific Research, 2018.
  • IEOM Award Recipient for contributions to Operations Management Academic Profession, IEOM 2023 International Conference, 6-9 March 23, Manila, awarded by IEOM Society, USA. March 2023.
  • Logistics Track Best Paper Award, 13th International Conference on IEOM, Manila, March 6-9, awarded by the IEOM Society, USA, 2023.
  • Outstanding Reviewer Award in the 2023 Emerald Literati Awards, Emerald Publishing.

Membership of external committees

  • Editorial Boad Member. Technological Sustainability Journal, Emerald Publishing:  
  • European Management Review. Editorial Review Board. Wiley:   

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Affiliate member of the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA). Member Number: 112950.
  • Chartered Association of Business Schools- Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE), 2021-2022. 
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). November 2021-Present.
  • Member of the Chartered Management Institute (MCMI): Membership number: P04812796. March 2021-Present.
  • Member of The Social Responsibility Research Network (SRRNet), 2021-present.  


  • Quality Assurance Expert: Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) - Education to Work Transition Project - Ministry of Education and Higher Education, funded by the World Bank for the project entitled: Linking with the Private Tourism Sector: The Tourism and Archaeology Department Curriculum Reform. 2014- 2016.
  • Quality Assurance Expert: Quality Improvement Fund’s (QIF) Education to Work Transition Project in partnership with the “Ministry of Education and Higher Education” and funded by the World Bank for the project entitled: Improvement of Students Skills towards Employment Enhancement. 2014- 2016.
  • Quality Assurance Expert: Tempus Project: Knowledge of Recognition Procedures in ENPI Countries (RecoNow). 2014-2016.
  • Academic Researcher: Design, Manufacture, and Engineering Management Department (DMEM) of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 2006
  • Senior Strategic Planning Expert: Chairman of Strategic Planning Steering Committee for An-Najah National University, 2014-2016.
  • Academic Visitor: Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Forthcoming events

  • Distinguished Plenary Speaker: 7th IEOM Global Business Management Education, Manila, March 7-9, 2023. Presentation title: Innovative approaches to assessment and effective feedback in UK HEIs.
  • Chairing a special track of Global Business Management Education (GBME) of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management of the IEOM Society International that will be hosted by De La Salle University, Manila on 7-9 March 2023. 
  • Chairing a special track of Global Business Management Education for the 6th European Conference on IEOM, planned to be held in Lisbon, 18-20 July 2023.

Conference attendance

  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2009) 'Affective commitment stimulation through systems thinking', Paper presented at the 11th QUIS International Conference. Moving Forward with Service Quality. June 11-14, Wolfsburg, Germany.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2009) ‘Value adding to the manufacturing enterprise through the use of call centres’, Paper presented at the ICMI Call Center Demo & Conference, February 25-26, Miami, United States.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2009) 'Organic structures in call centres: implications for affective commitment in manufacturing enterprises', Paper presented at the First POMS-HK International Conference. December 30, POMS- Hong Kong Chapter, Hong Kong.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2009) ‘Systems thinking for call centre service operations: implications for affective commitment in manufacturing enterprises’, Paper Presented at the 19th International Conference of RESER. Public and Private Services in the New Global Economy, September 24–26, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2010) ‘Lean Manufacturing in Public Services: prospects for value creation’, Paper presented at the First International Conference on Exploring Services Science, IESS, February 17-19, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Haddad, T. and Jaaron, A. (2012) ‘Lean TPM for Healthcare facilities: An Implementation Methodology’, Paper presented at the Third POMS-HK International Conference. January 5-6, POMS-HK Chapter, Hong Kong.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2012) ‘The application of Vanguard Method to enhance service workers performance’, Paper presented at the PMA 2012 Conference, July 11-13, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C. (2012) ‘Enhancing resources utilization in service industries: an economical crisis exit strategy’, Paper presented at the 4th World Conference on Production and Operations Management (P&OM), July 1-5, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Jaaron, A., Halaweh, F., and Shahin, B. (2013) ‘The role of ABET quality assurance in identifying engineering education deficiencies: A diagnostic tool’, Paper presented at the fourth POMS-HK International Conference. January 3-4, POMS-HK Chapter, Hong Kong.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2013) ‘Enhancing service organizations resilience through systems thinking’, Paper presented at the 24th POMS Annual Conference. May 3-6, Denver, Colorado, United States.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2013) ‘’, Paper presented at the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control. June 19-21, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2014) ‘Mass customization in higher education: the advent of the vanguard method’, Paper presented at the 25th POMS Annual Conference. May 9-12, Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2014) ‘Learning from chaos: the advent of antifragility in service organizations’, Paper presented at the POMS international Conference. July 21-23, Singapore.
  • Hamouz, A.; Jaaron, A.; Halawa, F.; Shaheen, B.; and Hmouda, M. (2014) ‘The Impact of Effective Staff Involvement on the Successful Realization of ABET Requirements’, Paper presented at the 14 AIChE Annual Conference. Nov 16-21 2014, Atlanta, USA.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2015)Building Self-Organizing Logistics Systems: Prospects for Reverse LogisticS’, Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. March 3-5, Dubai, UAE.
  • Jaaron, A. and Ramahi, A. (2015)Minimizing ABET Review Process Uncertainty: the Role of Innovative Quality Assurance Tools’, Paper presented at the 7th International Forum on Engineering Education. March 17-19, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Jaaron, A. and Backhouse, C.J. (2016) ‘Activating Organizational Learning Capabilities through Service Operations Design’, Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 8-10 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Staiti, M.M.; Othman, M.; and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2016) ‘Impact of Change Orders In Construction Sector In The West Bank’, Paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 8-10 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2017) ‘The impact of service operations design on service innovation: a systems approach’, paper presented at the 24th EurOMA conference, 1-5 July, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Zaid, A., Bon, A.T., and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2017) ‘Green Human Resource Management Bundle Practices and Manufacturing Organizations for Performance Optimization’, paper presented at the 6th international conference on global optimization and its application (ICoGOIA) 2017, 25 November 2017, Malacca, Malaysia.
  • Bon, A.T., Zaid, A., and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2018) ‘Green Human Resources Management, Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Sustainable Performance’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 6-8 March, Bandung, Indonesia. 
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2018) 'Achieving sustainability through service operations design: the role of systems thinking', paper presented at the 25th EurOMA Conference, 24-26 June, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M., Zaid, A., and Bon, A.T. (2018) ‘The impact on organizational performance of linking green supply chain management with supply-chain integration: a conceptual model’, paper presented at the 25th EurOMA Conference, 24-26 June, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2019) ‘Mitigation of intertemporal tensions in environmentally-sustainable manufacturing through Industry 4.0',paper accepted and will be presented at the 26th EurOMA Conference, 15-19 June, Helsinki, Finland.  
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Mallah, M.F. (2020) Linkages between corporate social responsibility and sustainability in manufacturing organisations: An empirical study. In: Proceedings of the 27th EurOMA annual conference, University of Warwick, England, June 2020. Warwick: EurOMA, pp.1155-1164.
  • Zaid, A., Bon, A., and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2020) Green Human Resource Management Bundle Practices and Sustainable Manufacturing Performance: Understanding Potential Relationships. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, 10-12 March 2020, 668.
  • Mallah, M.F. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2020) Linkages between corporate social responsibility and sustainability in manufacturing organisations: An empirical study. Proceedings of the EurOMA 2020 International Conference: Managing Operations for Impact, University of Warwick, UK, 29-30 June 2020.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M.  and Pham, T.D. (2021) Systems thinking for service operations design: facilitating double loop learning in Vietnamese tourism companies during COVID-19. Proceedings of the EurOMA 2021 International Conference: Managing the “new normal”: The future of Operations and Supply Chain Management in unprecedented times, University of Sussex, UK, 5-7 July 2021.
  • Zaid, A. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2021) The Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices with Sustainable and Operational Performance: A Conceptual Model. Proceedings of The International Conference on Business & Technology (ICBT 2021), Istanbul, Turkey, 6-7 November 2021.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Ghunaim, N. (2022) Weaponizing Cost of Quality of Food Manufacturers: Implications for Organizational Performance. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Istanbul, Turkey, 07-10 March 2022, 008.
  • Kittaneh, R.M. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2023) An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Humanitarian Logistics Operations: The Case of Palestine. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Manila, Philippines, 06-09 March 2023, 002. 
  • Wang, Z.; Jaaron, A.A.M.; Eslamipoor, R. (2024) ‘A cost-effective approach for inventory- transportation to address carbon tax policy’. Proceedings of the 14th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Dubai, UAE, 11-14 Feb 2024. Paper ID: 103.
  • Jaaron, A.A.M.; Javaid, M.; Garcia, R.L. (2024) ‘Unveiling the role of big data analytics on the relationship between green human practices and logistics social performance’. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 July 2024. Paper ID: 107.  

Recent research outputs

    Recent Journal articles:
  • Javaid, M.; Kalpina, K.; Khan, S.; Jaaron, A.A.M.; Zainuddin, S. (2023) ‘Leader Green Behaviour as an Outcome of Followers’ Critical Thinking and Active Engagement: The Moderating Role of Pro-Environmental Behaviour’, Leadership &Organization Development Journal. Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 218-239. .  (ABS 1*)
  • Braik, A.; Saleh, Y.; Jaaron, A.A.M. (2023) ‘Green Marketing Practices and Organizational Sustainable Performance in Developing Countries Context: An Empirical Study’, Journal of Foodservice Business Research.  (ABS 1*).
  • Jaaron, A. A. M., Javaid, M., & Garcia,R. L. F. (2023). Can external and internal corporate socialresponsibility contribute to green customer behaviour? Themediating role of green trust in hotels. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1–15. 
  • Alateyyat, S. K., Jaaron, A. A. M., & Igudia, E. (2024). Unveiling the status of TQM-performance link in the private, public, and third sectors: a systematic review. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1–33.  (ABS 2*).

Recent book chapter:

  • Zaid, A., Jaaron, A. (2023) ‘The Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices with Sustainable and Operational Performance: A Conceptual Model’. In: Alareeni, B., Hamdan, A. (eds) Innovation of Businesses, and Digitalization during Covid-19 Pandemic. ICBT 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 488. Springer, Cham.

Recent conference paper:

  • Kittaneh, R.M. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2023) An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Humanitarian Logistics Operations: The Case of Palestine. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Manila, Philippines, 06-09 March 2023, 002. 
  • Jaaron, A.A.M.; Javaid, M.; Garcia, R.L. (2024) ‘Unveiling the role of big data analytics on the relationship between green human practices and logistics social performance’. Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2024), Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 July 2024. Paper ID: 107.  

Key articles information

  • Jaaron, A.A.M., Hijazi, I. and Musleh, K.I.Y. (2021) ‘’, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.. (ABS 2*)
  • Ghunaim, N. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2021) ‘’, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.
  • Hassan, A. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2021) ‘Total Quality Management for Enhancing Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Manufacturing Practices’, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 308, No. 127366, pp. 1-12. (ABS 2*)   
  • Jaaron, A.A.M., Pham, T.D. and Cogonon, M. (2021) ‘Systems Thinking to Facilitate “Double Loop” Learning in Tourism Industry: A COVID-19 Response Strategy’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, in press. (ABS 3*)
  • Jaaron, A.A.M. and Backhouse, C.J. (2021) 'Can Industry 4.0 hold the answer for mitigating intertemporal tensions in sustainable manufacturing? A conceptual model', Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, in press, DOI:  (ABS 2*)
  • Thaher, Y. and Jaaron, A.A.M. (2022) ‘The impact of sustainability strategic planning and management on the organizational sustainable performance: a developing-country perspective, Journal of Environmental Management. 305, 114381, DOI: (ABS 3*)

Consultancy work

  • Research Project Manager: “Impact of Professional Training on Commercial/Freight Drivers in the Arab World”, Jadarah Group, funded by International Road Transport Union (IRU). May 2015- May 2016.

Current research students

  • Mr. Mustafa Alfaouri, Fulltime International PhD (IPhD), 1st Supervisor. Title of research: Adopting technologies for tackling falsified and substandard medicines in pharmaceutical supply chains: an application in Jordan.  
  • Ms. Princess Tosin Ogunrayewa, Fulltime PhD, 1st Supervisor. Title of research: The impact of open innovation and sustainability on manufacturing companies in Nigeria.
  • Mr. Salem Alateyyat. Fulltime International PhD (IPhD), 1st Supervisor. Title of research: The role of TQM in change management: the case of NPOs in Saudi Arabia. 
  • Emmanuel Odumosu, Fulltime PhD, 1st Supervisor. Title of research: Measuring Sustainability Performance of Digital Supply Chains in the Era of Industry 4.0.  
  • Asabi Anthony, Fulltime DBA, 1st Supervisor. Title of research: Artificial Intelligence in Health commodities supply chain management in Nigeria: An impact review of Global Health Supply Chain and Procurement. Intake: April 2023.
  • Reza Eslamipoor, fulltime PhD, 2nd Supervisor. Title: Global Production Network and Emission Control Targets. Intake: Oct 2021.

Externally funded research grants information

  • Project title: A systems approach for forward and reverse logistics design: maximising value from customer involvement, Academic Fellowship Program Fund (Zamalah): awarded by Welfare Association and Bank of Palestine, Research Project, UK, May 2014- October 2014, Project Managet and Principle Investigator (PI), In collaboration with Prof. Chris Backhouse, Loughborough University.

Internally funded research project information

  • Project title: Digital logistics and supply chains: How can SMEs level up productivity and skills in their logistics and supply chains in the Midlands?, HEIF, Innovation and knowledge exchange, 01 December 2021-30 June 2022, Co-Investigator.

Professional esteem indicators

  • External Examiner at Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, UK, Nov 2021-Present.
  • Editorial Advisory Member. Technological Sustainability Journal, Emerald Publishing:
  • Reviewer for Journals (sample of): Journal of Cleaner Production; Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal; International Journal of Operations and Production Management (IJOPM); International Journal of Production Research (IJPR); International Journal of Logistics Management; International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management; Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
  • Topic Board Editor: Journal of Risk and Financial Management; for submissions related to operations management, service operations, systems thinking, industry 4.0; sustainable performance, and sustainability management.
  • Academic Program Evaluator: Palestinian Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission (AQAC). Reviewer for new academic program applications in my areas of expertise made by Palestinian Universities. 
  • Nominee for Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award (VCDTA), Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, 2020 & 2022.
  • Nominee for Outstanding Contribution to Research Award: BAL of the Ball Award 2020-2021.
  • Nominee for Student Choice Teaching Awards 2023, Âéw¶¹´«Ã½.
  • Research Impact: more than 2250 citations according to , and the total Research Interest in my publications is higher than 95% of researchers on .
  • Nominee for sustainability climate award by Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ Global Hub for SDG16, December 2023.
  • Nominee for Student Choice Teaching Awards 2024, Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, UK.  

PhD Completions and Examinations

  • Ahmed Zaid. Year of completion: 2019. Thesis title: The Impact of Green Human Resources Management and Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Sustainable Performance. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia. Second Supervisor.
  • Sameer Abdal Malik. Year of completion 2022. Thesis title:    A study of the application of SDL theory to the healthcare sector of a developing country. Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. External Examiner.
  • Sarwat Nafei. Year of completion 2022. Thesis title: Cybersecurity Strategy and Strategic Decision-making: An Examination from Dynamic Capability and Judgment-based View Perspectives. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, UK. Internal Examiner.
  • John Asu. Year of completion 2023. Thesis title: Optimising Risk Mitigation Strategies in the Nigerian Supply Chain using Data Envelopment Analysis. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, UK. Internal Examiner. 
  • Yin Wang. Year of completionn 2023 (MPhil). Thesis title: Big Data Analytics in Management. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, UK. Independent Chair.
  • Chihiro Udagawa. Year of completion 2023 (PhD). Thesis title: Giffenity impact of renting a home on homeownership in housing markets across the English urban areas. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, UK. Independant Chair. 

ORCID number

