
Dr Emma Johnston

Job: Senior Lecturer in Forensic Biology

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH

T: 0116 207 8676

E: emma.johnston@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Emma Johnston is an experienced forensic scientist with a strong background in DNA profiling and international experience. Having worked for one of the largest forensic science providers in the UK she has experience in examining items for DNA evidence, DNA extraction, PCR and capillary electrophoresis. Emma has prepared numerous DNA statements for the criminal justice system and presented DNA evidence in court on a number of occasions.

Emma spent two years working with the Department of Forensic Genetics at the Forensic Anthropology Foundation of Guatemala, where she gained experience of the application of forensic science to human rights investigations. In Guatemala, Emma delivered a number of research and development projects related to DNA profiling from degraded skeletal remains.

Emma carried out her doctoral research into the role of forensic science in the identification of missing migrants. She is currently involved in the ESRC-funded project "Trust in Forensic Science Evidence in the criminal justice system: The experience of marginalised groups".

Research interests/expertise

Forensic Biology

DNA Profiling

Humanitarian Forensic Action

Disaster Victim Identification 

Forensic Identificaion of Missing Migrants

Forensic Science Education

Perception of Forensic Science Evidence

Areas of teaching

Forensic Biology

Bodies, Tissues, Fluids

DNA Profiling

Expert Witness Skills


BSc Biology

MSc Forensic Science

PhD Chemistry, Criminology (Forensic Science)

Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ taught

BSc Forensic Science

Honours and awards

Vice Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, 2018. 

Membership of external committees

European COST Action CA22106- Migrant Disaster Identification. Member of Working Group 4: Continued Professional Education. 2023-27.

Member of the Justice Rapid Response (JRR) Expert Roster since 2021.

Membership of professional associations and societies

Professional Member of the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences

International Society for Forensic Genetics

Recent research outputs

Frumkin L, Johnston E, Nsiah Amoako E, Maclennan M, Hughes V, Flowe H, Nic Daéid N, Zhang M, Kapageorgiadou V (2024) . Open University. Available online at:

Johnston E (2024) The role of forensic science in Identifying missing Migrants in Europe. Doctoral Thesis, Âéw¶¹´«Ã½.

Johnston E (2024) “Using Forensic Science to Restore Lost Identities”. International Network for Criminal Justice Blog. 15 May. Available at:

Johnston E (2022) “International perspectives in forensic science”. Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences Educational Blog. 15 December. Available at:    

Johnston E, Brawn R, McKie R and Crisp A (2019) Forensic science and human migration: the role of forensic genetics. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 7 (1), 450-451



Key articles information

Johnston E, Stephenson M. (2016) DNA profiling success rates from degraded skeletal remains in Guatemala.  Journal of Forensic Sciences July;61(4)898-902.

Forster L, XXXX. (2013) Sensitivity of the sbeadex® forensic kit. Application Note: SFAE-0003, LGC Genomics. Available online at:

Johnston E, Ames CE, Dagnall KE, Foster J, Daniel BE. (2008) Comparison of presumptive blood test kits including hexagon OBTI. Journal of Forensic Sciences May;53(3)687-9.


Externally funded research grants information

2024-2025 Research Grant: Trust in forensic science evidence in the criminal justice system: The experience of marginalised groups (Co-Investigator)Funder: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) ES/Y010639/1, Grant: £657,922, Collaborators: from Open University, University of Birmingham, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, University of the West of England and University of York. 
