Selected Conferences
Weis C, Turner J, Lafuente S, Provoost V, Jaxcksons L, Hudson N, ‘Knowing you, knowing me? Egg donation, ‘medical need’ and the limits of donor anonymity’. BSA Medical Sociology Conference, University of Warwick, 11th-13th September 2024.
Turner, J. ‘The digital village: Pregnancy and early motherhood on social media’. BSA Human Reproduction and Family Relationships Conference. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, 1st March 2024.
Turner, J. 'Ethical mothering on social media'. BSA Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference. University College London, London, 22nd June 2023.
Turner, J. 'Reproducing and resisting the dominant discourses of pregnancy and early motherhood on social media – a thematic analysis'. Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference (Online), 8th-10th September, 2021.
Turner, J. 'Reproducing and resisting dominant discourses of pregnancy and early motherhood on social media'. Centre for Reproduction Research Seminar Series. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, 23rd March, 2021.
Turner, J. Poster Presentation: 'Pregnancy, Social Media and Identity'. Pregnancy, Maternity, and the Self - Interdisciplinary Conference. University of Southampton, Southampton, 21st June 2019.
Turner, J. 'Pregnancy, Social Media and Identity'. BSA Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, 12th June 2019.
Eborall H, Hudson N, Martin G, Shaw E, Turner J. ‘Embedding structured education for self-management of Type 2 diabetes in primary care - an NPT informed analysis’, paper presented at the BSA Medical Sociology Conference, University of York, 13-15 September 2017.
Turner, J. 'Normalisation Process Theory: A useful framework to inform the development, implementation and evaluation of complex interventions?' Health Policy Research Unit. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, UK, 8th December 2016.
Turner, J and Hudson, N. "I was secretly hoping to have twins because I knew it was my one chance": Negotiating risks around multiple births in cross border reproductive care'. BSA Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, 10th June 2016.
Turner, J. and Hudson, N. "They don't make the moral decisions for you": decision-making about embryo transfer and perceptions of multiple pregnancies amongst recipients of overseas fertility treatment'. Reproduction Research Group Seminar Series. Âéw¶¹´«Ã½, Leicester, 6th April 2016.