
Dr Scott Yates

Job: Associate Professor

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: De Montfort, University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 207 8703

E: syates@dmu.ac.uk

W: /hls


Personal profile

After completing his PhD in Psychology, Scott joined the Division of Social Work and Youth and Community Development in 2004, and then the Psychology Division in 2023.

He has worked on a range of research topics relating to young people and families, including education and employment, chronic illness and disability, and youth work. His most recent work has focused on mental health, specifically families where a parent has a mental illness.

Research group affiliations

    • Social Sciences Research and Innovation Institute

Publications and outputs

Journal Articles

Piché, G., Davidson, G., Dunkley-Smith, A., Grant, A., Yates, S. & Maybery, D. (2024) Exploring past research to move forward: a scoping review of aims, outcomes, and recommendations in parental mental illness qualitative research, Frontiers in Public Health.

Maybery, D., Grant, A., Piché, G., Yates, S., Ruud, T., Dunkley-Smith, A. and Davidson, G. (2024) Summarising quantitative outcomes in parental mental illness research, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.

Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Kemp, R. & Webster, A. (2024) The indignities of shielding during the Covid-19 pandemic for people with sickle cell disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Frontiers in Sociology.

Hine, R., Gladstone, B., Reupert, A., O’Dea, L., Cuff, R., Yates, S. Hagstrom, A., McGaw, V. & Foster, K. (2023) StigmaBeat: Collaborating with rural young people to co-design films aimed at reducing mental health stigma, Qualitative Health Research

Yates, S., Gladstone, B., Foster, K., Hagstrom, A. S., Day, L., Cuff, R., & Hine, R., (2023) Epistemic injustice in experiences of young people with parents with mental health challenges, Sociology of Health & Illness

Tafi, V., Coles, A., Goodman, S., Yates, S. & Elsey, C. (2023) Scepticism or conspiracy? A discourse analysis of antilockdown comments to online newspaper articles, Critical Discourse Studies.

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2023) Constrained sense-making in families with parental mental illness and the importance of intra-family communication for positive outcomes, British Journal of Social Work, 53(5), 2742-2761

Berghs, M., Horne, F., Yates, S., Graham, S., Kemp, R., Webster, A. & Howson, C. (2022) Black sickle cell patients’ lives matter: healthcare, long-term shielding and psychological distress during a racialised pandemic in England – a mixed-methods study, BMJ Open, 12(9)

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2022) Supporting families with parental mental health challenges: A guide for social workers. Community Care Inform:

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2021) Idealisation and stigmatisation of parenting in families with parental mental illness. Social Science and Medicine: Qualitative Research in Health:

Reupert, A. et al (2021) Prato Research Collaborative for Change in Parent and Child Mental Health: Principles and recommendations for working with children and parents living with parental mental illness, Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 63(3), 350-353

Reupert, A., Gladstone, B., Hine, R., Yates, S., McGaw, V., Charles, G., Drost, L. & Foster, K. (2021) Stigma in relation to families living with parental mental illness: An integrative review, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30, 6-26

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2021) Undertaking family-focused interventions when a parent has a mental illness - possibilities and challenges, Practice, 33(2), 103-18

Knifton, C. & Yates, S. (2019) A “history of problematisations” for dementia education: A Foucauldian approach to understanding the framing of dementia, Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(3-4), 212-230. [JRN Veronica Bishop Paper of the Year 2019-2020]

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2017) Enhancing Family Communication in Families Where a Parent has a Mental Illness, Journal of Parent and Family Mental Health, 2(3). 

Ola, B., Yates, S. & Dyson, S. (2016) Living with Sickle Cell Disease and Depression in Lagos, Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study. Social Science and Medicine, 161, 27-36.

Gatsou, L., Yates, S., Hussain, S., Barrett, M., Gangavati, S. & Ghafoor, R. (2016) Parental mental illness: incidence, assessment and practice, Mental Health Practice, 19(5), 25-27

Gatsou, L., Yates, S., Goodrich, N. & Pearson, N. (2015) The Challenges Presented by Parental Mental Illness and the Potential of a Whole Family Intervention to Improve Outcomes for Families, Child and Family Social Work, 22(1), 388-397

Yates, S. (2015) Neoliberalism and Disability: The Possibilities and Limitations of a Foucauldian Critique. Foucault Studies, 19, 84-107

Yates, S. & Roulstone, A. (2013) Social Policy and Transitions to Training and Work for Disabled Young People in the UK, Disability & Society, 28(4), 456-470

Gatsou, L. Fadden, G., Goodrich, N., Yates, S., Valand, R., Shahzad, W. & Thomaidis, K. (2012) Think family/whole family approach multi-agency training program for frontline professionals: Improving the outcomes for mentally ill parents and their children, Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 60(5), S190

Yates, S., Harris, A., Sabates, R. & Staff, J. (2011) ‘Early Occupational Aspirations and Fractured Youth Transitions: A study of entry into "NEET" status in the UK,’ Journal of Social Policy, 40(3)

Yates, S. & Hiles, D. (2010a) ‘You can’t, but I do’: the significance of shifts in pronominal forms for self-positioning in talk, Discourse Studies, 12(4), 535-551

Yates, S. & Hiles, D. (2010b) ‘Towards a critical ontology of ourselves? Foucault, subjectivity and discourse analysis,’ Theory & Psychology, 20(1), 52-75 (Most downloaded paper of 2009-10 in Theory & Psychology)

Roulstone, A. & Yates, S. (2010) Formation professionnelle et jeunes handicapés en Grande-Bretagne [Vocational Training and Disabled Young People in Great Britain], Nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation, 8(2)

Yates, S., Payne, M. & Dyson, S. (2009) ‘Children and young people in hospitals: doing youth work in medical settings,’ Journal of Youth Studies, 12(1), 77-92

Yates, S., Dyson, S. & Hiles, D. (2008) ‘Beyond normalisation and impairment: Theorising subjectivity for learning difficulties theory and practice,’ Disability & Society, 23(3), 247-258

Yates, S. & Payne, M. (2007) “Minding the gap” between policy visions and service implementation: lessons from Connexions, Youth & Policy, 95, 25-40

Yates, S. & Payne, M. (2006) ‘Not so NEET? A critique of the use of “NEET” in targeting interventions with young people,’ Journal of Youth Studies9(3), 329-344


Book Chapters

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2016) Safeguarding and supporting families with parental mental illness: issues, challenges and possibilities. In T. McDougall (ed.) Children and Young People’s Mental Health: Essentials for Nurses and other Professionals. Taylor & Francis

Yates, S. (2015) Truth, power and ethics in care services for people with learning difficulties. In S. Tremain (ed.) Foucault and the Government of Disability (revised ed). University of Michigan Press.

Yates, S. (2014) ‘Power/Knowledge’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer

Yates, S. (2014a) ‘Individualization’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer

Yates, S. (2014b) ‘Normalization’ in The Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. New York: Springer

Yates, S., Payne, M. & Dyson, S. (2010) Children and young people in hospitals. In J. Rix, M. Nind, K. Sheehy & K. Simmons (eds.) Equality, Participation and Inclusion: Diverse contexts. Open University Press.

Yates, S. (2009) ‘Good practice in guidance, welfare and advice: Lessons from

Connexions,’ in J. Wood & J. Hine (eds.) Work with Young People: Developments in Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Sage

Key research outputs

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2023) Improving the outcomes for families affected by parental mental illness. UN SDG Policy Brief

Dyson, S., Yates, S., Berghs, M., Horne, F., Graham, S., Kemp, R. & Yates, S.. (2020) Sickle Cell and Wellbeing in NHS Services: A Guide for Policy, Practice and Patients on Wellbeing and Sickle Cell Disorder (SCD). OSCAR Birmingham.

Yates, S., (2016) Wellbeing and Health for You (WHY) Final Report. OSCAR Nottihgnam/Big Lottery.

Gatsou, L., Fadden, G., Yates, S., Goodrich, N. & Pearson, D. (2013) Improving Outcomes for Mentally Ill Parents and Their Children, Meriden Family Programme Newsletter

Gatsou, L., Yates, S. & Pearson, D. (2012) Think Family/ Whole Family Approach: Improving Outcomes for Mentally Ill Parents and Their Children, NHS: East Midlands HIEC. Available from:

Yates, S., Tyler, M. & Hargreaves, S. (2012) The Mighty Creatives Evaluation Framework. TMC/Âéw¶¹´«Ã½

Wood, J., Dooher, J., McLaughlin, B., Yates, S. & Norrie, P. (2011) National Evaluation of the Community Development Workers

Flemming, J., Ward, D. & Yates, S. (2010) How to use a consortium working approach, London: Participation Works

Hoggarth, L., Anthony, D., Canton, R., Cartwright, I., Comfort, H., Payne, M., Shafiullah, M., Wood, J. & Yates, S. (2009) Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service: Evaluation of the Crash Course. Leicester: Youth Affairs Unit

Payne, M. & Yates, S. with Sallah, A. (2009) Skills development and occupational aspirations within A8 migrant groups in Leicester and Leicestershire, Coventry: Learning and Skills Council

Yates, S. (2008) Youths' career aspirations and socio-economic outcomes, discussion paper 08-02, The Wider Benefits of Learning (Institute of Education)

Yates, S. (2007) ‘The Formation of Youth Identities,’ in M. Payne, D. I. Smith & B. Merton Young People In Transitions: A Review Of Recent Research¸ Briefing paper commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills.

Yates, S. (2007a) ‘Addendum: Young people, illness and transitions,’ in M. Payne, D. I. Smith & B. Merton Young People In Transitions: A Review Of Recent Research¸ Briefing paper commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills.

Hoggarth, L., Smith, D. I. and others (2004) Understanding the Impact of Connexions on Young People at Risk. London: DfES

Dyson, S and Yates, S. (2003) Ethnic Question and Antenatal Screening for Sickle Cell/Thalassaemia EQUANS Volume 5: Use of Maps in Antenatal Screening for Sickle Cell/Thalassaemia. London: NHS Sickle Cell/Thalassaemia Screening Committee

Kemshall, H., Canton, R., Bailey, R., Dominey, J., Simpkin, B. & Yates, S. (2002) The Effective Management of Programme Attrition. London: National Probation Service

Research interests/expertise

  • Mental health and mental illness
  • Parent and family mental health
  • Health and illness
  • Disability studies
  • Qualitative research methods

Areas of teaching

  • Research methods
  • Mental health
  • Health and wellbeing


  • BSc (Hons) (1997)
  • PhD (2002)

Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ taught

PSYC5710  - Research Methods for Applied Psychologists

MSRH5003 - Research Strategies and Approaches

PSYC3034  - Conceptual Issues and Criticla Debates in Psychology

MSRH5005 - Health and Wellbeing

PSYC5701 - Introduction to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Honours and awards


Membership of external committees


Membership of professional associations and societies

Parent and Child Mental Health Reserach Collaborative (The Prato Group)

Conference attendance

Keynote addresses

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2019) Improving outcomes for families affected by parental mental illness. Parental Mental Illness and its Impacts special symposium at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, December 2019

Yates, S. (2019) Prevention for children in schools - what to do and why? A discussion on school approaches for children in families with parental problems, It Takes a Village, Oslo, May 2019

Yates, S. (2019) Family Mental Health and Challenges for Low and Middle-Income Countries, It Takes a Village, Oslo, May 2019

Yates, S. (2013) Young People’s Backgrounds, Aspirations and Outcomes: 
Identifying Patterns, Seeking Explanations, Proposing Solutions, Invited Seminar Presentation, Education and Employers Taskforce, London

Gatsou, L., Yates, S. & Goodrich, N. (2013) Think Family/ Whole Family
Approach: Improving Outcomes for Mentally Ill Parents and their Children, invited paper presented to LPT Care and Compassion Conference, Leicester

Roulstone, A., Yates, S., & Woodin, S. (2013) What is so Pressing about Disabled Young People’s Worklessness? Opening presentation to Leverhulme Symposium on Disability and Employment, Durham

Yates, S. (2010a) Psychosocial issues and transition for young people with SCD & thalassaemia. Paper presented to Organisation for Sickle Cell Research and Thalassaemia Support Conference, Sandwell, July 2010

Yates, S. (2010b) The challenges for children and young people in hospitals and the case for youth work. Invited keynote address to 1st Annual Hospital Youth Work Conference, London, February 2010

Yates, S. (2007) 1970 British Cohort Study: The Implications for Youth Work. Discussion panel at Institute of Education. Invited discussant, 19th June 2007.


Conference Presentations

Yates, S., Jarrett, P. & Gatsou, L. (2023) Stigma and communication in families with parental mental health challenges, BPS Symposium on Family Mental Health, Brighton, November 2023

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2023) Children of parents with mental health challenges in schools: teachers’ perspectives. BABCP annual conference, Cardiff, June 2023

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2019) The importance of communication in families where a parent has a mental illness. 18th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vienna, July 2019

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2019) Family Communication in Families with Parental Mental Illness: Challenges and Possibilities. It Takes a Village, Oslo, May 2019

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2018) Enhancing Family Communication in Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness, 23rd International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions Congress, Prague, July 2018

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2017) Think Family - Whole Family and Early Help Services, 17th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Geneva, July 2017

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2016) Multi-dimensionality of Stigma in Families with Parental Mental Illness, 22nd International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACPAP) Congress, Calgary, September 2016

Yates, S. & Gatsou, L. (2016) Prevention and Early Intervention with Families Affected

by Parental Mental Illness: Think Family Programme with Early Help Services, 22nd International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions Congress, Calgary, September 2016

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2016) Early Intervention and Prevention for Families Affected by Parental Mental Illness, International Conference on Transgenerational Mental Health, Basel, August 2016

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2015) Think Family - Whole Family Multi-Agency Training and Family Intervention, 16th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Madrid, June 2015

Yates, S. (2015) Psychosocial studies of Parental Mental Illness: Shame, stigma and families’
socio-economic environment, Network for Fostering International Research in Regard to Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness, Prato, Italy, May 2015

Ola, B., Dyson, S. & Yates, S. (2014) Living with Sickle Cell Disease and Depression in Nigeria, Second Global Congress on Sickle Cell, Rio de Janeiro, November 2014

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2014) Think Family/Whole Family: Improving outcomes for mentally ill parents and their children, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2014 Bi-National Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, October 2014

Gatsou, L. & Yates, S. (2014) Think Family/Whole Family: Multi-Agency training and Family Intervention, 4th International Conference on Families with Parental Mental Health Challenges, Berkeley, CA., April 2014

Yates, S., Gatsou, L. & Pearson, D. (2013) The complex needs of families with parental mental illness, paper presented to Social Futures Institute Conference: “Social justice and social exclusion”, Middlesbrough

Gatsou, L., Yates, S. & Goodrich, N. (2012) Whole family work with families and parental mental illness. Paper presented to NHS Health Innovation and Education Cluster Dissemination Conference, Leicester, June 2012

Yates, S. (2011) Young people with thalassaemia and transitions to adulthood. Paper presented to 12th International Conference on Thalassaemia and the Hemoglobinopathies, Antalya, Turkey, May 2011

Yates, S. & Roulstone, A. (2010) Individualisation and ableism in transitions to work: The case of disabled young people and vocational training in England. Paper presented to Critical Disability Studies Conference, Manchester, May 2010

Yates, S. (2010a) Sickle Cell Disease and young people in transition. Paper presented to Sickle Cell Disease: The Next 100 Years, Leicester, April 2010

Yates, S., Sabates, R., Staff, J. & Harris, A. (2009) Socio-economic status, young people’s aspirations, and the transition to work. Paper presented to Centre for Research in Social Policy 25th Anniversary Conference, Loughborough, January 2009

Yates, S. (2007a) Youth identities. Symposium paper presented to Work with Young People: Advancing Theory, Policy and Practice, Leicester, June 2007

Yates, S. (2004) ‘Young people and Connexions – the problem of young people who are NEET,’ Paper presented to Effective Practice with Young People Conference, Luton, October 2004

Yates, S. (1999a) ‘The confrontation of power relations in the narratives of care users,’ Paper presented to Critical Psychology and Action Research Conference, Manchester, July 1999

Yates, S. (1999b) ‘Qualitative discourse analysis as a methodology for studying the experienced nature of power relations in health-care systems,’ Paper presented to 18th International Human Sciences Research Conference, Sheffield, July 1999

Consultancy work

Youth-oriented services and social policy; health, illness and young people; learning disabilities; young people and identity; young people, aspirations and transitions to work.

Previous consultancy: External consultant, Princeton University/Institute of Employment/Pennsylvania State University research project on “careers aspirations and educational expectations.” Funded by The Jacobs Foundation. February - March 2008

Consulted by policy advisor to Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan on youth services and social policy in the UK. March 2010.

Externally funded research grants information

Developing an anti-stigma resource for children of parents with mental illness in rural Victoria – Heywire Foundation/LaTrobe Health Assembly – Jan 2022-present

Improving practice around parental mental health in schools – Leicestershire Public Health – June 2018- present

Think Family-Whole Family: Improving support of families with parental mental illness in Early Help ServicesLeicester City Council – February 2017 - 2018

Think Family-Whole Family: Supporting Families with Mental IllnessPublic Health England – September 2015 – 2017

WHY project: Wellbeing, Health and You OSCAR Nottingham/Big Lottery – March 2013 – March 2016

Self-Efficacy and Young Patients with Chronic Kidney DiseaseNHS Kidney Care – July 2012 – July 2015

Academic expert steering group member, BME Young People with Learning DifficultiesNIHR – January 2012 – June 2013

Evaluation of the Team V ProgrammeVinspired – January-July 2012

Think Family/Whole Family: working with children of people with mental illness­NHS Health Innovation and Education Cluster/Department of Health - September 2011- December 2013

Creative education with young people in the East Midlands - The Mighty Creatives - September 2011- September 2013

World-wide Initiative on Social Studies in Haemoglobinopathies - Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ Research Investment Fund - March 2011-present

The impact of Community Development Workers - National Mental Health Development Unit - November 2010-March 2011

Study of national vocational transitions and barriers to employment for disabled people - French Ministry of Social Affairs / EHESP Sorbonne – March-August 2010

Skills development and occupational aspirations within A8 migrant groups in Leicestershire – Learning and Skills Council/Leicestershire County Council - June-September 2009

Consortium working and youth participation - Participation Works - October 2008-March 2010

Inquiry into youth work and the Integrated Youth Offer – Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ internal funding - October 2008-June 2010

Research into the Staffordshire Fire Service “Crash Course” (children, young people, attitudes and road safety) - Staffordshire Fire Service - September 2008-June 2009

External consultant: “careers aspirations and educational expectations” - Princeton University/ Institute of Employment/ Pennsylvania State University/ The Jacobs Foundation- February-April 2008

The Impact of Leicestershire Children’s Centres - Leicestershire County Council - October 2007-February 2008

Policy review for 10 year youth strategyHM Treasury - February-March 2007

Birmingham Children’s Fund Evaluation Service - Birmingham Children’s Fund - April 2006-March 2008

The Impact of Youth Work in England - DfES - August-October 2004

Minimal- and non-users of the Connexions Service - DfES - November 2004

Connexions Impact Study - DfES - August 2003-October 2004

Internally funded research project information

Inquiry into youth work and the Integrated Youth Offer – YCD internal funding – October 2008 – October 2010. CI. Bernard Davies, Bryan Merton, YCD.

ORCID number
