Holloway, D; Norton, W. "Leadership Skills” Invited Speaker - British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting: ‘Embracing Change, Maintaining Excellence’, UK. 3-5 March 2021
Norton, W.N urse-Led Research: Developing the Evidence Base for Fertility Nursing Practice. Invited speaker, British Fertility Society, London, 16 June 2020.
Norton, W. Procreative Boundaries: Gay men navigating surrogacy. Oral presentation accepted for the European Sociological Association Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August 2019. Elected one of the top 500 abstracts for publication in the BJOG.
Norton, W. "Gay Men’s Experiences of UK Maternity Care”. I-poster accepted (Ref 1233) for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology World Congress, London, 17-19 June 2019.
Holloway, D; Norton, W. "The Work of the Royal College of Nursing Women’s Health Steering Group”. I-poster accepted for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology World Congress, London, 17-19 June 2019.
Weis, C; Norton, W. "Heterosexual partnered men’s experiences of becoming fathers through surrogacy” at the British Sociological Association Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference. 麻w豆传媒, Leicester, 12th June 2019.
Norton, W. "Navigating UK Surrogacy Law: Gay Men’s Journeys to Parenthood” at the British Sociological Association Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference: Reproduction and the Law: transformations, responsibilities and uncertainties in the 21st Century. 麻w豆传媒, Leicester, 24th May 2018.
Norton W. ‘Nurse-led Intrauterine Insemination Programmes’. Invited speaker, International Women's Health Nursing Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-24 March 2018.
Norton W. ‘The Role of the Endometriosis Clinical Nurse Specialist’. Invited speaker, International Women's Health Nursing Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 22-24 March 2018
Norton W. ‘Gay men’s journeys to parenthood via surrogacy: an exploratory study of UK residents. Centre for Reproduction Research Seminar Series. 麻w豆传媒, Leicester, 21st February 2018.
Norton, W; Holloway, D; Mitchell, H. “A Survey of the Endometrioses CNS Role in BSGE Centres”. Invited Speaker - British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Annual Scientific Meeting, Hull, UK. 17 - 19 May 2017.
Norton, W; Hudson, N; Fish, J; Culley, L. "Gay men’s journeys to parenthood via surrogacy: an exploratory study of UK residents" at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Helsinki, Finland, 3-6 July 2016.
Norton, W, “Reinforcing the Role of the Endometriosis CNS: An Open Forum”. Invited Speaker - British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Annual Scientific Meeting, Cornwall, UK. 16 – 18 May 2016
Norton, W, “Gay Surrogacy”. Invited Speaker - BSA Families and Relationships Study Group: Looking Back and Looking Forward to Future LGBT Parenting Research Agendas. University of Manchester, 6th May 2016
Norton, W “An exploratory study of gay men seeking surrogacy to achieve parenthood – work in progress”. Reproduction Research Group Seminar Series. 麻w豆传媒, Leicester, 3rd June 2015
Hudson, N. Culley, L. Norton, W “Bio-Sociality and the Negotiation of Diagnosis in Cross-Border Infertility Treatment" at the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology in Japan on July 13-19, 2014.
Culley, L; Hudson, N; Norton, W; Law C. Religion, Infertility and Infertility Treatment. Second Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion in Chicago on May 28-30, 2013.
Hudson N, Culley L, Norton, W ‘Online communities of hope. Bio-sociality and the negotiation of overseas fertility treatment’, paper presented to the British Sociological Association Human Reproduction Study Group Annual Conference. Milton Keynes,15 June 2011
Woodward B J, Norton, W J, Almeida P & Gilling-Smith C (2011) Inconsistencies in the treatment of patients with blood-borne viruses: an audit of British IVF clinics, oral presentation at the 27th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Stockholm, Sweden, 3July – 6 July 2011
Woodward B. Gilling-Smith C. Almeida P,
Norton, W. Blood-borne Viruses: An audit of treating viral positive patients and perceived risks in UK fertility clinics. Oral presentation at Fertility 2011 Conference, Dublin, 4-6 January 2011
Woodward B. Gilling-Smith C, Almeida P, Norton, W. Inconsistency in Processing Gametes from Viral Positive Patients in the UK. Poster to be presented at the British Andrology Society Annual Meeting, Macclesfield, 9-10 November 2010
Culley L. Hudson N. Blyth E. Norton, W. Rapport F, Pacey A. Cross border reproductive care: The Research Evidence. Poster to be presented at the 13th Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility (COGI), Berlin, November 2010.
Culley L. Hudson N. Blyth E. Norton, W. Pacey A. Rapport F. ‘Travelling abroad for fertility treatment: an exploratory study of UK residents seeking cross-border care’ oral presentation at the 26th Annual Meeting of ESHRE, Rome, Italy, 27 June – 30 June, 2010
Culley, Hudson, Pacey, Rapport, Blyth, Norton. ‘Fertility Tourism? Discourses of Cross-border Reproductive Care’, at the 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education" 4- 6 November 2009, Trinity College, University of Dublin.
Norton, W ‘Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health & Infertility’, paper delivered at the International Nursing Conference on Reproductive Health & Infertility, 23 – 26 September 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, US.
Norton, Feehan ‘”Double Dutch”: making sex safer with education and practice’, poster presentation at the Royal College of Nursing Sexual Health Conference, June 2006, London.