- EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (PI, Project ID: 661327, 09/2015-08/2017, €195,455): Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Constrained Optimization Problems (ECDCOP)
EPSRC (PI, Standard Research Project, EP/K001310/1, 18/2/2013-17/02/2017, £445,069): Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimisation in Network Environments
EPSRC (PI, Standard Research Project, EP/E060722/1 and EP/E060722/2, 1/1/2008-1/7/2011, £307,469): Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimisation Problems: Design, Analysis and Applications
EPSRC (PI, Overseas Travel Grants GR/S79718/01, 1/11/2003-31/1/2004, £6,700): Adaptive and Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Production Scheduling Problems in Manufacturing. This grant supported my research visit to Waseda University, Japan, during my Sabbatical leave period. Additionally, Waseda University, Japan contributed JPY140,000 (~£800) toward the visit
State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation of Process Industry, Northeastern University, China (PI, Open Research Project, 1/1/2012-31/12/2013, CNY300,000 (~£30,000)): Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Scheduling Problems in Process Industries
State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation of Process Industry, Northeastern University, China (PI, Open Research Project, 1/1/2010-31/12/2011, CNY150,000 (~£15,000)): Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimization and Scheduling Problems
- , European Regional Development Fund (Co-I, 11/11/2013 - 28/02/2015, £62,134), Evolutionary Computation for Optimised Rail Travel (EsCORT). This is a linked project between Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ and , a Leicester based SME specialising in assisting businesses to develop sustainable travel solutions, covering people and goods.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research Grants (Co-I, Grant G-YH60, 1/7/2009-30/6/2010, HKD120,000 (~£10,000)): Improved Evolutionary Algorithms with Primal-Dual Population for Dynamic Variation in Production Systems. Partners:
In addition, I have also received several conference travel grants from UK Research Councils, e.g., Royal Society Conference Travel Grant (£700 in 2007 and £719 in 2005) and Royal Academy of Engineering Conference Grant (£800 in 2007 and £1,200 in 2006).