
Frequently asked questions

  1. The job/activity I undertook is not showing on my HEAR report. What should I do?

    Is your activity a HEAR-recognised activity? Please check the link of recognised activities, on the main page If your activity appears on the list, email hear@dmu.ac.uk. We will contact the activity leader to make sure your information was included.

    Please note, if you did not fully complete the activity (e.g. if you did not fulfil the minimum hours) your participation may not have been counted.

    If your activity does not appear on the HEAR list, this means it has not been set up as a recognised activity by the activity leader. All activities need prior approval by a panel before they become HEAR-recognised. This cannot be changed retrospectively.

  2. The dates for the activity are inaccurate. What does this mean?

    In most cases the specific activity dates are not included, but instead a general period in which the activity took place.
  3. My marks are incorrect or not showing, who should I contact?

    Please refer any queries about your course marks or course listings to your Faculty Student Advice Centre:

  4. My HEAR report has a number of errors. Who can I contact?

    For queries related to section 6.1 - Extra-curricular activities - contact hear@dmu.ac.uk. For any other sections contact your Faculty Student Advice Centre (see above).
  5. I took part in an activity two years running, but it is only showing for one of the years. Who should I contact?

    Contact your activity leader to check they included information for both years. If they did, then contact hear@dmu.ac.uk. If your activity leader says they didn’t enter the information for both years, ask them to send the full information to hear@dmu.ac.uk.
  6. I can only see the activities I undertook in 2019 and nothing before or after that year. Who should I contact?

    Contact hear@dmu.ac.uk – explain what is missing, providing the dates, activity details and name of the activity leader.
  7. I’ve been informed by staff that I was successful in all modules of the programme I am currently enrolled on. However, I can’t see these updates when I log into my HEAR report. I need evidence of these marks, and my transcripts, to present to my placement employer before starting the placement. When will they be available to view?

    It is possible that the Assessment Board has not yet taken place to confirm your marks. Please check with your faculty office. If they confirm the Assessment Board has already met, please let us know at hear@dmu.ac.uk so we can resolve this.