Meet the team
Simon Oldroyd - Pro-Vice Chancellor Sustainability, Dean of Health & Life Sciences
Simon is responsible for the university’s activity and strategy related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in education and the curriculum, our continued role as UK SDG16 hub, its associated public engagement projects and all of our sustainability-related engagement with the UN. Simon is also responsible for Âéw¶¹´«Ã½’s sustainability education projects and embedding sustainability in the curriculum and in our research, including carbon literacy and awareness/education-related work with DSU and Âéw¶¹´«Ã½’s environmental policy/management activity across the Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ estate.
Simon Bradbury - Pro Vice-Chancellor International
Simon Bradbury is the PVC/Dean for the Faculty of Arts, Design and Humanities. Prior to this, he was the Head of the School of Architecture at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½.
Simon is the chair of the Education for Sustainable Development project which aims to embed sustainability into teaching and learning at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½.
Mark Charlton, Associate Director SDG Impact and Research Theme Director for Net Zero
The Associate Director SDG Impact, based in Social Impact and Engagement, is responsible for leading on the university’s work as a global hub for SDG16 and for linking the university’s work to all of the SDGs. The role co-ordinates the university’s activities through the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI). The UNAI is a United Nations initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the United Nations and with each other. The role is also joint lead for the net zero research group at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½.
Karl Letten - Sustainability Manager, 0116 207 8746
The Sustainability Manager, based in Estates & Commercial Services, is responsible for implementing an environmental management system through liaising with faculties, directorates and senior management. The post holder supports the Sustainable Development Task Force (SDTF) in delivering environmental and sustainable development initiatives, meeting the goals and targets set by the SDTF and co-ordinating and consolidating the university’s sustainable development related policies. The Environmental & Sustainability Officer has an annual sustainability budget to fund sustainability and behaviour change projects.
Paul Eccleshare - Energy Manager, 0116 257 7641
The Energy Manager, based in Estates & Commercial Services, is responsible for developing and implementing the University Energy Policy, monitoring & targeting energy usage and carbon emissions, including checking, recording and approval of all energy bills prior to payment being made by the University’s Payments section. The Energy Manager has an annual Energy Efficiency budget which is equal to 3% of the university’s annual energy and water budget to spend on measures to reduce energy and water use.
Laura Carter - Energy Officer, 0116 257 7744
The Energy Officer supports the Energy Manager in implementing energy and water saving projects across the campus.
Maab Abdelatif - Sustainability Coordinator, 0116 257 7617
The Sustainability Coordinator, based in Estates & Commercial Services, leads on sustainable travel initiatives and broader sustainability projects across the University. This includes chairing Green Transport meetings, overseeing the compilation of the University’s Travel Plan, and managing a dedicated budget to support greener travel initiatives. The role also involves coordinating sustainability events and supporting the University’s Environmental Policy and Environmental Management System.
Nigel Ward - Post & Porterage Manager, 0116 207 8156
The Post & Porterage Manager, based in Estates & Commercial Services, is responsible for maintaining waste and recycling schemes within the university. Their responsibility includes encouraging waste recycling amongst staff and students and implementing schemes to reduce waste and improve recycling rates within the university.
Dr Andrew Reeves - Associate Professor, Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD); Project Director, Education for Sustainable Development, 0116 250 6569
Dr Reeves is a full time lecturer at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ spending his time equally within the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD); and as a lecturer in learning development within the Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS). Dr Reeves also has dedicated time for leading on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) work at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ and is currently leading a project to embed sustainability within the formal curriculum.
Dr Manjeet Ridon – Associate Dean International (Education, Sustainability & EDI)
Manjeet is responsible for the University’s activity and strategy related to sustainability, EDI and employability in Transnational Education (TNE) and works closely with TNE partners to help them embed sustainability principles in their activities. In this role she facilitates carbon literacy training for staff and students in TNE partnerships, supports academic staff in putting sustainability at the heart of their teaching, and curriculum developments, and encourages students to develop projects that use sustainable principles. She also delivers international public engagement projects and as chair of the Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ India Advisory Board she facilitates engagement between the South Asian business community in Leicester and faculty colleagues so that student business interaction events and civic projects are developed to highlight sustainability activities taking place in Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ teaching and research.
Mollie Lester - Student Sustainability Coordinator
The Student Sustainability Coordinator is a full-time paid placement year for Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ students who are interested in a future career in sustainability. The role focuses on sustainability within and outside the university, engaging with the Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ community through schemes like Hedgehog Friendly Campus and the Lions of Action competition and through engaging with the community through social media. The role also focuses on the university’s Net Zero targets by working towards more sustainable procurement and Fairtrade.
Emily Sillett - Learning for Sustainability Frontrunners
The Learning for Sustainability Frontrunner position is a paid part-time intern position which will work to support the embedding of sustainability into teaching and learning at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½. This work will include organising and co-ordinating events, assisting in the auditing of sustainability within the current curriculum, maintaining the website, servicing meetings of the ESD project, co-ordinating and promoting the annual Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS) sustainability skills survey and reporting progress to the ESD Forum
Charlotte Greatorex - Sustainability Communications Frontrunners
The Sustainability Communications Frontrunner post is a paid part-time intern post within the Sustainability Team at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½. The Frontrunners will develop communications and awareness raising materials for environmental and sustainability events and activities using our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The placements will also work with the Sustainability Manager to develop campaigns, projects and events to encourage environmentally friendly actions amongst staff and students.
Adam Sandy-Kyari - Sustainability International Frontrunner
The Sustainability International Frontrunner post is a paid part-time intern post within the Sustainability Team at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½. The Frontrunners will develop communications and awareness raising around the engagement of international students and Âéw¶¹´«Ã½’s collaboration with international partner universities and colleges and Trans National Education (TNE) partners so we encourage sustainable practices in our overseas partnerships. This placement will support the creation of testimonials from international students who have engaged in our sustainability work and also support Âéw¶¹´«Ã½’s international activities, such as International Women’s Day celebrations. The placement will also work with the Sustainability Manager to develop international campaigns, projects and events to encourage environmentally friendly actions amongst staff and international students
Shakira Saunders – United Nations Academic Impact Frontrunner
The UNAI Frontrunner post is a paid part-time intern post within the Sustainability Team at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½. The Frontrunners will develop communications and awareness raising around the University’s key role as a Global Hub for SDG16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. This placement will support the development of projects and initiatives to engage students with SDGs and to promote the aims and objectives of the SDGs. The placement will also work with the Sustainability Manager to develop campaigns, projects and events to encourage environmentally friendly actions amongst staff and students.
Financially Resourcing Sustainability
To achieve significant advances in sustainability across the university, it is imperative that the Sustainability Strategy is supported by allocated budgets. Recognising this, budgets such as the Energy Efficiency Budget (EEB), which is equal to 3% of the university’s annual energy and water budget, has been put in place to spend on measures that reduce energy and water use across the institution. In addition to the EEB, The Sustainability Manager has an annual sustainability budget to fund sustainability and behaviour change projects and the Sustainability Assistant has an annual budget to fund greener travel initiatives which is funded from car parking charges.
Staff and Student Engagement
Becoming a sustainable university will only happen if staff and students are engaged in this agenda. For staff, the university provides a multitude of different avenues for staff to participate in Sustainability activities, such as Carbon Literacy, Green Impact and Hedgehog Friendly Campus. Further details of enegagement activities can be accessed in the Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ Sustainability Engagement Plan.
Ethical Careers and Recruitment
Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ has a dedicated Careers Team responsible for helping students and graduates with their career. This team is not part of any combined careers services. Meet the careers team working to help our students make the most of their potential.