

The Music Technology and Innovation – Institute for Sonic Creativity (MTI2) at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ encompasses a broad and continually evolving range of artistic creation and theory focused on innovative application of new technologies to music. It emphasises electroacoustic music and sonic art, their associated field of scholarly study and an extensive outreach programme. The MTI2 programme was established in 1999, and the Institute is now acknowledged globally as a leader in its field. Its projects include the Electroacoustic Resources Site initiatives, EARS and EARS 2 and initiatives in electroacoustic music analysis (notably eAnalysis and OREMA). The Institute is host to the international journal Organised Sound (Cambridge University Press). 

The Music, Technology and Innovation – Institute for Sonic Creativity at Âéw¶¹´«Ã½ invites applications to the Midlands 4 Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. All researchers are specialised in the areas of sonic art/electroacoustic music composition and electroacoustic music studies. Members of the Institute and their research interests are listed below. 

Professor Leigh Landy – LLandy@dmu.ac.uk

Professor of Contemporary Music, Director of the  Institute

Composition (especially cross-arts), electroacoustic music studies, devising practices, dramaturgy, access to and facilitation of the making of contemporary music 

Dr James Andean – james.andean@dmu.ac.uk

Electroacoustic composition and performance, acousmatic music, sound art, sound diffusion, improvisation, interdisciplinary performance, sonic narrative 

Dr Simon Atkinson – satkinson@dmu.ac.uk

Associate Professor

Composition, contemporary music, electroacoustic music, musical signification 

Dr Peter Batchelor – pbatchelor@dmu.ac.uk

Composition, sound in space, installation practice, public art 

Professor Bret Battey – bbattey@dmu.ac.uk

Professor of Audio-visual Composition

Composition, image and sound integration, algorithmic techniques, expressive synthesis, Indian classical music, gesture 


Professor Simon Emmerson – s.emmerson@dmu.ac.uk

Professor of Music, Technology & Innovation

Electroacoustic and live electronic music: composition, theory and analysis; interaction of world traditions; influence of technology on music 

Dr Sven-Amin Lembke – sven-amin.lembke@dmu.ac.uk

Perception and cognition of electroacoustic music, timbre analysis, timbral co-ordination in musical performance 


Professor Craig Vear – cvear@dmu.ac.uk

Professor of Digital Performance (Music)

Composition; intermedia and mixed-reality music; interactive performance environments; music and AI; digital musicianship 

Professor John Young – jyoung@dmu.ac.uk

Professor of Composition

Composition (electroacoustic and instrumental), environmental sounds and sound recognition, aesthetics of digital sound transformation 

Dr Anna Xambó Sedó – anna.xambo@dmu.ac.uk

Senior Lecturer in Music and Audio Technology

Sound and Music Computing, Computer-Supported Collaborative Music, Live Coding, Telematic Performance.

Read more about the Music, Technology and Innovation – Institute for Sonic Creativity or find out how to apply.